Miss Connecticut
We are excited to announce our new digital competition as an entry to compete for the job of Miss Connecticut, and Miss Connecticut's Outstanding Teen!
Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 22 2023
Candidate Interviews: Sunday, January 29th 2023
Announcement of Winners to follow the morning after interviews have concluded. For questions, please reach our Vice President of Local Business Operations, Ashley McClain
Private Interview (Zoom): 35%
Talent Video: 35%
Social Impact Initiative: 15%
Intro Video & Resume 15%
(combined consideration)
Digital Scoring
Private Interview (Zoom): 30%
Talent Video: 40%
Social Impact Initiative: 10%
Intro Video & Resume: 20%
(combined consideration)
Who is eligible?
All candidates who meet the MAO eligibility requirements to compete in a local competition are eligible.
Is there a cost?
To compete, candidates are required to pay the $35 registration fee with the Miss America Organizations local, state and national registration. In addition to this mandatory registration fee, you are required to raise or fund an additional state fee.
Miss Candidates $325 Teen Candidates $500
How does judging work?
A panel of judges will review virtual submissions and conclude with a Zoom interview ( Misses 9.5 minutes / Teens 8 minutes) All interviews will be held on Sunday, January 29th 2022. You will not be required to attend an in-person local.
What happens if I win?
Congratulations!!! You are on your way to compete for the job of Miss Connecticut, or Miss Connecticut's Outstanding Teen 2023! A member of our team will be in touch to guide your next steps.
Candidate Registration and Submission Requirements
You will need to include the following items with your registration
$35 MAO Registration Fee
Introduction Video (Max. 30 Seconds)
Resume (Instructions Here)
Social Impact Statement (Instructions Here)
Talent Video (Max. 90 Seconds)
Signed Acknowledgement of Candidate Eligibility
Candidates must meet all additional requirements pursuant to the Miss America State and Local Application & Agreement. All video components should be filmed on a cell phone in horizontal format. Please note that no professional video or sound equipment is needed.
What is an introduction video?
Tell the judges a little about yourself! You can include your hometown, education, scholastic ambition, social impact initiative, career goals, and anything that you think will make you stand out to the judges.